Lisa Tran Primal Physiotherapy scaled

Revolutionising Physiotherapy Education: The Grad Project at Primal Physiotherapy Sets a New Standard

Primal Physiotherapy takes great pride in its student placement programme, offering a unique and unparalleled learning experience. At Primal, students have the opportunity to learn not only in state of the art clinics but alson in a custom-built facility designed specifically to enhance their learning and professional growth. This innovative approach to education is spearheaded by the clinical director and founder of Primal Physiotherapy, Lisa Tran, who has revolutionised the way physiotherapy students receive their training through a groundbreaking initiative known as the Grad Project.

The Grad Project, conceptualised by Lisa Tran, aims to bridge the gap between traditional academic learning and real-world clinical practice. Recognising the need for a more immersive and hands-on approach to physiotherapy education, Lisa set out to create an environment that not only emulates real clinical settings but also offers students the opportunity to work with real patients from day one.

Lisa’s visionary approach is exemplified by the custom-designed training facility at Primal Physiotherapy. With its cutting-edge equipment and dedicated education room, this establishment provides an ideal environment for students to hone their skills. Under the guidance of seasoned practitioners, aspiring physiotherapists can seamlessly transition from the theoretical classroom setting to practical clinical application, fostering their growth and development.

The Grad Project goes beyond the conventional curriculum by incorporating a comprehensive mentorship programme. Seasoned physiotherapists at Primal Physiotherapy act as mentors to the students, providing personalised guidance, feedback, and support throughout their placement. This one-on-one mentorship approach allows students to develop a deep understanding of patient care, clinical decision-making, and treatment techniques, ensuring they graduate as well-rounded and confident professionals.

Moreover, the Grad Project places a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Students have the opportunity to work alongside professionals from various healthcare disciplines, such as top orthopedic surgeon Dr Surjit Lidder. This collaborative approach not only enhances the students’ understanding of holistic patient care but also exposes them to different perspectives, broadening their knowledge and skill set.

The success of the Grad Project lies in its ability to create a transformative learning experience for students. By immersing students in a realistic clinical environment and providing them with hands-on experience, Primal Physiotherapy ensures that they are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of their future careers. The Grad Project has gained recognition within the industry for its innovative approach and has set a new standard for physiotherapy education.

In summary, Primal Physiotherapy’s student placement programme, driven by the visionary leadership of Lisa Tran, offers a unique and groundbreaking learning experience through the Grad Project. The custom-built training facility and comprehensive mentorship programme create an environment where students can thrive and develop into skilled and confident physiotherapists. Primal Physiotherapy’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional education has set a new benchmark for the industry and has become a beacon of excellence in physiotherapy training.

Melbourne university