Chris Pretlove

Chris Pretlove Primal Physiotherapist

Hi, I’m Chris one of the physio’s here at Primal physiotherapy. I completed my Masters of Physiotherapy Studies at The University of Queensland. I was born and raised in Brisbane, Queensland and just moved to Melbourne late last year. I’m an avid climber, love training in the gym and enjoy spending time outdoors with friends and family.

My journey started back in 2016 because I wanted to learn a bit more about strength and conditioning for my own training. I started by completing a degree in exercise and nutrition science which gave me a foundational understanding of the human body and movement. It was at this time I realised how important appropriate injury management is for people to continue to participate in the activities that they love. This naturally lead me down the path of physiotherapy and I haven’t looked back since!

Since graduating in 2021, I have worked across multiple hospitals in Queensland for Queensland Health and practiced privately in Melbourne. I have seen hundreds of post-operative patients who have had ACL reconstructions, meniscus repair/debridement’s and joint replacements. I have also had the privilege to see some of patients from the day after their operation all the way through to when they return to their chosen sport or activity. I also have accumulated experience in treating patients with sport-related injuries, chronic pain and vestibular disorders.

I’m passionate about educating and treating patients so that they can understand and manage their symptoms effectively. I love being about to translate knowledge in medicine and exercise so that the everyday person can understand and apply to their life.

I’ll help to ensure you understand what is causing your symptoms and the rehab that it involves. My treatment will be custom tailored to your condition, background and needs. I can help you return to your sport or activity pain-free and give you strategies to minimise injury re-occurrence. I look forward to hearing from your lived experiences and providing you with the individualised care you deserve.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to quick start your rehab!

Chris Pretlove