Nick Donazzon – Primal Physiotherapist
Introducing Nick:
Howdy, I’m Nick, a physiotherapist here at Primal. I studied a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in Ballarat after I had completed a Bachelor of Science at Deakin University at Waurn Ponds majoring in Chemistry, giving me a unique understand of the human body at the chemical level.
I have lived in Melbourne my whole life and have been involved in a variety of sports from a very young age. I am passionate in any sport I play competitively or socially striving to be the best. I have played cricket at the Premier Cricket level for over 10 years developing my skills and providing feedback to the next generation of talent coming through. Outside of cricket I enjoy spending time heading to the gym, indoor bouldering, going for runs, and the occasional video game when given the opportunity.
I became a physio as they have always been apart of my life. Injuries during sport? Go and see a physio! Almost every injury I have sustained involved some input from a physio and they were one of the people I could look up to. I thrive at the chance to help anyone who walks through the front doors of our clinic. Seeing people getting back to their best and what they love to do is what I love to do. At Primal I am able to achieve this goal.
I always try to connect with my clients, whether its through the rehabilitation process or if it’s over the love of food. I am to collaborate with my clients to craft a space that is safe, encouraging and to implement a plan that puts the fun in functional. My programs are patient-centred to get you back to doing what you love, whether it is your job or if it is chasing after your puppies.
I have been involved in many different modalities in my physio journey. Some experiences I have been exposed to are making home visits when people haven’t been able to leave their house, hydrotherapy, residential aged care settings, hospital in patients and post-operative patients. I have first hand knowledge and experience of a spectrum of different injuries and rehabilitation techniques along with clinical reasoning that I aim to make into a holistic approach of therapy. So no matter how big or small an injury is, I’ll gladly come with you on your rehabilitation journey. I hope to see you soon at Primal!